Academic writing
"Cultivating the Cyborg Voice: Technology in the Creative Writing Classroom" Journal of Creative Writing Studies, Fall 2021
"Ethical Grading: A Reflection for Writing Instructors," UMass Writing Program Social Justice Pedagogy Group, Spring 2020
Lake Echo: An Interview with Rebecca Valley
Empty Room Radio, 2023
“Pearl Aviary: An Interview with Rebecca Valley”
Sonora Review, 2017
Other tidbits
"Listening to Mary in the Autumn Country Dark" Rhinestone Magazine, 2020
Review: Come the Slumberless to the Land of Nod by Traci Brimhall, Green Mountains Review, 2020
“The Weeping Woman” Fairy Tale Review, June 2017
Review: The Garden Inside Her by Isobel O’Hare (Ghost City Review), Vol. 3
Review: There is a crow that will not stop cawing by Rushing Pittman (Rain Taxi), Online Edition Fall 2016